The Complete
Book of Big Wall Climbing…
big wall joke -
a pun that is absurdly meaningless to any sensible person, yet hilarious to a
group of wall climbers;
bozo – an
individual who, usually quite unknowingly, provides a local big wall community
with a variety of entertaining and often humorous observations (that is,
provided that you never climb with this individual)
butterfingers -
an individual that is given to dropping things, especially while climbing;
[wall] coach - an individual that provides
technical direction with little, if any, direct participation;
[wall] consultant - someone who provides both
technical direction and direct participation [in the climbing of a big wall];
[wall] critic - very similar to a literary
critic, a wall critic is someone who does not find enough adventure or
fulfillment in their own climbing (or writing) and so decides how others should
climb (or write);
© 2006 Chongo
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