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chongonation.com is out to recruit a few good writers, editors, artists, illustrators, and, if possible, some dedicated educators, to assist in the completion of existing material and participate the development of new works.  Additionally, if you have your own works (essays, stories, articles, or books) that would complement the subject material available at the web site, then chongonation.com is interested in hearing from you.

There are those who may wish to contribute to human kind’s understanding of nature, just as chongonation.com is trying to do, by contributing their skills to chongonation.com.  This is how.


How to become a collaborator at chongonation.com . . .



You must have either talent, understanding, or material that can be applied.



You must have a strong desire to be a part of the effort of the web site and be motivated by more than simple economic needs.




You must have the free time to do so (regardless of whether you have the resources that would ordinary avail such free time).




You must communicate with chongonation.com and successfully convince those with whom you may be collaborating that your contributions would advance the cause.


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